Plotting a scalar diagnostic as function of control parameter
StagPy is suitable for scripting using StagyyData. Suppose you have a group of
directories, each for a given set of parameters, and you want to plot the
results of all cases on the same figure, compute statistics etc. The
class comes in handy for that. The
following script can be used to make a loglog plot of the Nusselt number as
function of the Rayleigh number using all directories stored where the script
is executed:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Nu=f(Ra) from a set of stagyy results in different directories"""
from pathlib import Path
from stagpy.stagyydata import StagyyData
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
ran = []
nun = []
pwd = Path('Examples')
for folder in pwd.glob('ra-*'):
print('In directory', folder)
sdat = StagyyData(folder)
# get the value of the Rayleigh number
# get the last value of the Nusselt number
ran = np.array(ran)
nun = np.array(nun)
# sort by Ra#
indexes = ran.argsort()
plt.loglog(ran[indexes], nun[indexes], 'o--')
plt.xlabel('Rayleigh number')
plt.ylabel('Nusselt number')
Note that this particular example is only relevant if the solutions have all reached a steady-state. In the case where the solution is only in statistical steady state, a time average is more relevant. It can be computed using stagpy.time_series.compstat.