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Command line interface

The command line interface is organized in subcommands. Three subcommands (var, version and config) deals with StagPy related stuff, while the others (field, rprof, time and plates) handles the processing of StagYY output data. The latter set shares some generic options which are described in the following subsection.

Generic options

These options are shared by the field, rprof, time and plates subcommands.

  • -p <path>, --path <path>: path towards the StagYY run directory (i.e. the directory containing the par file of your simulation). The path can be absolute or relative to your working directory. If not specified, the working directory is assumed to be the StagYY run directory.

  • --outname <outname>: prefix used to name the files produced by StagPy. "stagpy" is the default value.

  • -t <step-slice>, --timesteps <step-slice>: range of timesteps that should be processed. Defaults to the last available snapshot.

  • -s <snap-slice>, --snapshots <snap-slice>: range of snapshots that should be processed. Defaults to the last available snapshot.

  • --xkcd: enable xkcd plot style.

  • -raster, +raster: toggle rasterization of produced figures. Defaults to enabled rasterization.

Configuration options

These options are used by the config subcommand. If none of these is used, a list of the available configuration options along with a short help message is displayed.

  • --create: create a new config file .stagpy.toml from scratch.