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List of configuration options

Run the following to create a local config file .stagpy.toml

stagpy config --create

Available options are described hereafter.


Name Description CLI, config file?
config print config options CLI


Name Description CLI, config file?
path path of StagYY run directory or par file both
read_parameters_dat enable reading parameters.dat both
outname output file name prefix both
shortname output file name is only prefix both
timesteps timesteps slice CLI
snapshots snapshots slice CLI


Name Description CLI, config file?
ratio force aspect ratio of field plot CLI
raster rasterize field plots both
format figure format (pdf, eps, svg, png) both
vmin minimal value on plot CLI
vmax maximal value on plot CLI
cminmax constant min max across plots both
isolines list of isoline values CLI
mplstyle list of matplotlib styles CLI
xkcd use the xkcd style CLI


Name Description CLI, config file?
yearins year in seconds config file
ttransit transit time in My config file
time_in_y dimensional time is in year both
vel_in_cmpy dimensional velocity is in cm/year both
factors custom factors config file


Name Description CLI, config file?
plot variables to plot (see stagpy var) both
perturbation plot departure from average profile both
shift shift plot horizontally CLI
timelabel add label with time both
colorbar add color bar to plot both
ix x-index of slice for 3D fields CLI
iy y-index of slice for 3D fields CLI
iz z-index of slice for 3D fields CLI
isocolors list of colors for isolines both
cmap custom colormaps config file


Name Description CLI, config file?
plot variables to plot (see stagpy var) both
style matplotlib line style both
average plot temporal average both
grid plot grid both
depth depth as vertical axis both


Name Description CLI, config file?
plot variables to plot (see stagpy var) both
style matplotlib line style both
compstat compute mean and rms of listed variables CLI
tstart beginning time CLI
tend end time CLI
fraction ending fraction of series to process CLI
marktimes list of times where to put a mark CLI
marksteps list of steps where to put a mark CLI
marksnaps list of snaps where to put a mark CLI


Name Description CLI, config file?
plot variables to plot (see stagpy var) both
style matplotlib line style both


Name Description CLI, config file?
plot variables to plot, can be a surface field, field, or dv2 both
field field to plot with plates info both
stress plot deviatoric stress instead of velocity on field plots both
continents whether to shade continents both
vzratio Ratio of mean vzabs used as threshold for plates limits both
nbplates plot number of plates as function of time both
distribution plot plate size distribution both
zoom zoom around surface CLI


Name Description CLI, config file?
output time series to print both


Name Description CLI, config file?
field print field variables CLI
sfield print surface field variables CLI
rprof print rprof variables CLI
time print time variables CLI
refstate print refstate variables CLI


Name Description CLI, config file?
create create config file CLI


Name Description CLI, config file?
bash generate bash completion CLI
zsh generate zsh completion CLI