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The StagyyData class

The StagyyData class is a generic lazy accessor to StagYY output data (HDF5 or "legacy" format) you can use in your own Python scripts. This section assumes the StagyyData instance is called sdat. You can create such an instance like this:

from pathlib import Path

from stagpy.stagyydata import StagyyData

sdat = StagyyData(Path("path/to/run/"))

where path/to/run/ is the path towards the directory containing your run (where the par file is). This path can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

Snapshots and time steps

A StagYY run is a succession of time steps with information such as the mean temperature of the domain outputted at each time step. Now and then, radial profiles and complete fields are saved, constituting a snapshot.

A StagyyData instance has two attributes to access time steps and snapshots in a consistent way: StagyyData.steps and StagyyData.snaps. Accessing the n-th time step or the m-th snapshot is done using the item access notation (square brackets):


These two expressions each return a Step instance. Moreover, if the m-th snapshot was done at the n-th step, both expressions return the same Step instance. In other words, if for example the 100th snapshot was made at the 1000th step, sdat.steps[1000] is sdat.snaps[100] is true. The correspondence between time steps and snapshots is deduced from available binary files.

Negative indices are allowed, sdat.steps[-1] being the last time step (inferred from temporal series information) and sdat.snaps[-1] being the last snapshot (inferred from available binary files).

Iterators and filters

StagyyData.steps and StagyyData.snaps accept slices. sdat.steps[a:b:c] returns a StepsView instance. Iterating through this object is similar to iterating through the generator (sdat.steps[n] for n in range(a, b, c)) (negative indices are also properly taken care of). For example, the following code process every even snapshot:

for step in sdat.snaps[::2]:

StepsView instances offer the possibility to filter out the steps objects with the filter method (see its API reference documentation for a list of available filters). For example, the following loop process every timestep from the 512-th that has temperature and viscosity field data available:

for step in sdat.steps[512:].filter(fields=['T', 'eta']):

As a convenience, iterating through sdat.steps and sdat.snaps is equivalent to iterating through sdat.steps[:] and sdat.snaps[:]. Similarly, calling sdat.steps.filter() and sdat.snaps.filter() is a shortcut for sdat.steps[:].filter() and sdat.snaps[:].filter().

Parameters file

Parameters set in the par file are accessible through the StagyyData.par attribute. For example, to access the Rayleigh number from the refstate section of the par file, one can use sdat.par.nml["refstate"]["ra0"].

Radial profiles

Radial profile data are accessible trough the Step.rprofs attribute. This attribute implements getitem to access radial profiles. Keys are the names of available variables (such as e.g. "Tmean" and "vzabs"). Items are Rprof with three fields:

  • values: the profile itself;
  • rad: the radial position at which the profile is evaluated;
  • meta: metadata of the profile, itself a dataclass with:

    • description: explanation of what the profile is;
    • kind: the category of profile;
    • dim: the dimension of the profile (if applicable) in SI units.

The list of available variables can be obtained by running

stagpy var --rprof

For example, sdat.steps[1000].rprofs["Tmean"] is the temperature profile of the 1000th timestep.

Time series

Temporal data are accessible through the StagyyData.tseries attribute. This attribute implements getitem to access time series. Keys are the names of available variables (such as e.g. "Tmean" and "ftop"). Items are Tseries with three fields:

  • values: the series itself;
  • time: the times at which the series is evaluated;
  • meta: metadata of the series, itself a dataclass with:

    • description: explanation of what the series is;
    • kind: the category of series;
    • dim: the dimension of the series (if applicable) in SI units.

The list of available variables can be obtained by running

stagpy var --time

The time series data at a given time step can be accessed from Step.timeinfo. For example, sdat.steps[1000].timeinfo is equivalent to sdat.tseries.at_step(1000). Both are pandas.Series indexed by the available variables.


Geometry information are read from binary files. Step.geom has various attributes defining the geometry of the problem.

cartesian, curvilinear, cylindrical, spherical and yinyang booleans define the shape of the domain (curvilinear being the opposite of cartesian, True if cylindrical or spherical is True).

twod_xz, twod_yz, twod and threed booleans indicate the number of spatial dimensions in the simulation. Note that fields are always four dimensional arrays (spatial + blocks) regardless of the actual dimension of the domain.

nxtot, nytot, nztot, nbtot, nttot, nptot and nrtot are the total number of points in the various spatial directions. Note that nttot, nptot and nrtot are the same as nxtot, nytot and nztot regardless of whether the geometry is cartesian or curvilinear.

x_centers, y_centers, and z_centers as well as t_centers, p_centers, and r_centers are the coordinates of cell centers in the three directions. As for the total number of points, they are the same regardless of the actual geometry.

Similarly to *_centers attributes, x_walls, y_walls, and z_walls as well as t_walls, p_walls, and r_walls are the coordinates of cell walls in the three directions.

Scalar and vector fields

Vector and scalar fields are accessible through Step.fields using their name as key. For example, the temperature field of the 100th snapshot is obtained with sdat.snaps[100].fields["T"]. Valid names of fields can be obtained by running

stagpy var --field

Items have two elements:

  • values: the field itself, a four dimensional array with indices in the order x, y, z and block;
  • meta: metadata of the field, also a named tuple with:

    • description: explanation of what the field is;
    • dim: the dimension of the field (if applicable) in SI units.

Tracers data

Tracer data (position, mass, composition...) are accessible through Step.tracers using the property name as key. They are organized by block. For example, the masses of tracers in the first block is obtained with sdat.snaps[-1].tracers["Mass"][0]. This is a one dimensional array containing the mass of each tracers. Their positions can be recovered through the "x", "y" and "z" items.